Staff Q&A: Coordinator of Veterans Services

Just in time for Veterans Day, Black Hawk College Coordinator of Veterans Services Thomas Reagan completed a Q&A session. The Marine veteran spends his work days busy connecting other veterans and active military members with the resources they need to transition into college life, but he doesn’t slow down when he leaves campus. When Reagan isn’t at work, you might find him exercising or being a student himself.

man in black polo shirt with Black Hawk College logoHow did your career path lead you to Black Hawk College?

After serving the citizens of East Moline for 25 years I was ready for a change (he retired from his position as police captain at the East Moline Police Department in 2018). I wanted to stay in the service sector. When I saw that Black Hawk College was looking for a coordinator of veterans services, I jumped at the opportunity. It is my privilege to serve those who have served us. I have always been a fan of Black Hawk College. My wife and I are BHC graduates, and all of my kids have attended Black Hawk College.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I enjoy fitness. I belong to a new gym called RATH Fitness located in the Rust Belt in East Moline. If I’m not there, I’m hiking at one of the beautiful parks in the area or walking around the neighborhood with my dog.

What inspires you?

Seeing students succeed.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the west end of Davenport, Iowa.

Did you have a favorite subject when you were a student?

I was a fan of my government class at West High School.

When you were a kid, what career did you envision for yourself?

I wanted to be an airplane pilot when I was young. That changed when I figured out that I am deathly afraid of heights.

How has education impacted your life?

Education has had a positive impact on my life. I consider myself a lifelong learner. I am currently in a master’s program at Western Illinois University.

Black Hawk College Veteran's Coordinator Thomas Reagan standing next to a red, white, and blue banner for the Military Students and Veterans ClubWhat is your favorite thing about Black Hawk College?

I like the fact that Black Hawk College takes care of the student veterans. There are tons of opportunities for our student veterans. Our Veterans Resource Center (located at the Quad-Cities Campus in Building 4, Room 117) is top notch.

If you could go anywhere on vacation for free, where would you want to go and why?

What makes a great vacation for me is hot weather, no shoes and a beach. San Diego is the absolute best place in the world to vacation.

What is something most people do not know about you?

I have 13 brothers and sisters.

If you could change something about the world, what would you change?

Our current state of affairs in reference to the COVID-19 pandemic. I cannot wait until the hustle and bustle of students comes back to the halls of Black Hawk College.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The advice came from my dad as he was taking to me my first job when I was 16 years old. He said, “Son, never be idle when you should be working. If you have nothing to do, pick up a broom. There is always a floor to sweep.”

Aside from the necessities, what is one thing you can’t go a day without?

Meditation. It is the first thing I do every morning.

What is your favorite time of the year, and why?

My favorite time of the year is the middle of summer, the hotter the better.

What do you want prospective students to know about Black Hawk College?

Black Hawk College is an excellent college to start your higher education journey. Contact me when you are ready to use the benefits and grants that you earned, and I will help you navigate through the red tape of the application process. Student success is the goal of every staff and faculty member at Black Hawk College.

Contact info

Thomas Reagan
Coordinator of Veterans Services
Building 4, Room 118

Learn more about how Black Hawk College supports Veterans and Military Students.